its now 2months after i gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. the delivery was by c section operation, but due to the use of anion pads i was able to heal completely in two weeks. thx to anion pads and liners

anion pads are wonderful, they keep me pure, fresh and clean all through my period, i never even realize that i am going through the cycle. And not to mention the panty liners!…… i am certain they will take me through the lovely 9 months…

My face has been giving me head ache since I hit the thirties. Before then my face never needed any care at all. I just washed and occasionally applied Vaseline but lately its been a bother to me until i found Forever living products for my face! Within one weeks time, I could see a big difference already! to crown it all, I added the Sonya colour collection for my makeup which makes me feel confident all day long! All thanks to Mollynn cares my face is now back to normal and i no longer worry about it.

Today I woke up to a wonderful surprise! My menstrual period had sneaked up on me while I slept. It is a wonderful surprise becase two years ago my menstrual cycle was a different story. My Period was by no means a surprise. The week preceeding it would be characterised by tummy blotting, pain, painful breast sensitivity and mood swings making it a very unpleasant time for me and those around me. Someone introduced me to the lovemoon anion pads. After 3 months of using the pads and pantiliners, the blotting and pain was reduced and and i greatly cut down on painkillers. For these first months I was advised to wear the pantiliners daily and change them twice a day at least. After 6 months, I had no more need for painkillers, my flow was normal. Its a lifesaver and I feel totally liberated. My period just comes and I really enjoy having it with no limitation on my life, choice of clothing and activity,and I am as nice and pleasant as I am all month! I highly recommend it for every woman

I have a friend who had a bartholin”s gland cyst but it was like a boil next to her vagina (The gland would swell and became a boil) .Every month after periods she would go to Mulago hospital and they suck out puss, so they had suggested an operation to cut the gland for fear that it would become cancer if they continued to just drain it for it would re-occur. She started using love moon liners and pads and guess what, the day she walked in hospital after her periods to drain it, the doctors were shocked because the was drying up.They were like” what medication are you taking? She was equally shocked and sooo excited. Thats the strenght of love moon. Am loving it. Too much to say, but am so happy.